The spirit of the institute is, above all, the spirit of Jesus Christ Himself.
(Constitutions, 1852)
This simple sentence in the original Constitutions sets a clear path of trust, compassion, witness and service for all of us who claim identity as Sisters of Divine Providence. The members of the community, aware of our call and encouraged by those who went before us, seek to live as Jesus did, striving always for “that mind which was in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5)
As an apostolic congregation, we serve others especially through our participation in Jesus’ ministry of teaching and healing. Joyfully witnessing to the faith vision of our founders, Bishop Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler and Mother Marie de la Roche, our Sisters today serve those in need through ministries in education, health care, and in parish, pastoral, and social services. In all our ministries, we “have a particular call to discover God’s Providence and to help others discover it in all the events of life.” (Constitutions #35)
From our earliest beginnings, the lives and ministries of our Sisters have been “characterized by the particular response to God’s providential love which is our charism – TRUST IN, AND OPENNESS TO THE PROVIDENCE OF GOD.” (Constitutions #1)