© Congregation of the Sisters of Divine Providence
Global Connections, Volume 9, Issue 1
The Prophets had a Choice. So do we!
Sister Barbara McMullen
The theme chosen for this year’s “Global Connections” is: “faithful to the mission and charism” which comes from our Chapter 2022 Directional Statement.
When I read the title above it made me remember something another “prophet in her day” said to me many, many years ago. Her name was Sister Clementia Kemper. She was a Sister of Divine Providence who emigrated from Germany to the United States and ended up spending her life in the St. Louis Province. She lived in the Novitiate, where I, as an only novice, also lived. Sister Clementia and I often had long afternoon conversations about my growing into religious life.
I remember vividly one of those conversations. She told me: “If you develop a strong friendship with Jesus in your young religious life, you will never be lonely when you grow old as a Sister.” The second thing she said, as I remember it, was about being “faithful to the mission of the Community and never giving up. It’s always a choice we make each day. Do that, even when it’s difficult, and you will be happy.” Talk about being a prophet, (and I think a saint too!) I’ve pondered those words often across the years of my religious life…and thanked her!
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