July Eco-Challenge
Image: https://pixabay.com/ko/images/search/local%20veggies/
If one thinks of tilling the ground as a form of service, one is led to envision a relationship to the Earth involving service or caring for, as opposed to ruling over it. Let us take time to evaluate our service to God’s earth in the individual practices of our life and in our collective efforts in the realm of public policy. Sr. Helen Graham, MM
Commit to buying local, in-season produce. Locally produced food grown during natural seasons is fresher and requires less energy to produce and transport.
Air pollution in the U.S. still remains a public health issue. For 50 years, the Clean Air Act has driven dramatic improvements in air quality across the country. The law requires the federal government to place limits on harmful air pollution, including greenhouse gases that cause climate change. We need to stop the oil and gas industry that violates limits on toxic air pollution.